Less Hustle. More Scale.

KD Ventures is a US-based holding company with a mission to help small business owners and their teams work less & earn more, by leveraging Intelligent Companions (IC's) powered by ai, to free up employees to spend more time collaborating, and being creative, and less time doing tedious work.

Our Offerings

KD Ventures' current projects are listed below. If you have a project you'd like powered by AI, please drop us an email: [email protected]


AI-powered intelligent Companions and tools to help charities of all sizes leverage ai for market-leading fund-raising campaigns.


Helping businesses and thought leaders build authority through featured news articles, syndicated content, press and book publishing.


Business Automation Mastery (BAM!) is a hybrid mastermind, accelerator and done-with-you program to bring AI-powered automation to small business.

Extend Medica

Extend Medica was created to make specialized healthcare more accessible and affordable. A hybrid AI-powered Telemedicine platform that connects leading experts, providers and patients nationwide.

Beyond CRM.pro

A hub to start, track and manage your client's entire customer journey. Ai powered workflows help you start, converse, and book more appointments on autopilot for your business through SMS, Email, Live Chat, Phone Calls, and much more! Live humans help you set up and optimize your platform.

Business Prompts.pro

Advanced Prompts for GPT

About KD Ventures

Founded by Karl and Desiree Krummenacher, lifelong entrepreneurs who, at 60 - want to help small business owners and their teams work less and earn more. To learn more about Karl, visit karlkrummenacher.com.

Contact Us

Learn how others work less and make more.

Subscribe to the Less Hustle, More Scale Newsletter, where we share in simple, easy-to-understand terms how to leverage AI and Business Automation, and share useful AI-Powered automation "recipes" any business can use to save time and money.

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